The company with the name MELEKOPOYLOY ERMIONI and TIN 150484646 is the owner of the website and all that it includes. For short, the company MELEKOPOYLOY ERMIONI will be referred to hereinafter as in the other fields of the website.

The copyright of the Content (eg programs, information, data) and the Services of the website (Site) that have been or will be entered on the internet by are protected by the Greeks, Community and international copyright laws and belong exclusively to or to the respective beneficiary, their creator, and are available to its visitors strictly for personal (non-commercial or non-profit) use. makes every effort to ensure that the content and information displayed each time on the website is as accurate and true as possible, but bears no responsibility for their reliability, completeness or timeliness.

Any copying, distribution, transfer, processing, resale, creation of a production product or misleading the public about the real provider of the provided services, products, and the content of the website is prohibited. Reproduction, uploading, announcement, dissemination or transmission or any other use of the Content in any way or means for commercial or other purposes is permitted only with the prior written permission of provides the content (eg information, names, photos, illustrations) products and services available through the website EXACTLY HAVE, and without any representation, approval or written guarantee, expressed or supposedly, subject to the guarantees of satisfactory quality, suitability, inviolable compatibility, safety and accuracy. In no case does be liable for any claims of legal or civil and / or criminal nature nor for any damage (positive, special or negative, which indicatively and not restrictively, divisively and / or cumulatively consists in loss of profits , data, lost profits, monetary satisfaction, etc.) by visitors of the website or third parties for reasons related to the operation or not and / or use of the website and / or inability to provide services and / or information available from it and / or from any unauthorized interference by third parties with products and / or services and / or information available through it.

The use of the website must be done exclusively for legal purposes and in a way that does not restrict or impede its use by third parties. The visitor is obliged to use the website in accordance with the law, good manners and these terms, and not to take any actions or omissions that may cause damage or malfunction to it, affect or endanger

This website may contain references to third party websites. is not responsible for the content of these pages as well as for any damage resulting from their use, as the visitor has access to them at his own risk. makes every effort for the good operation of the Network and its services, but does not guarantee that the operations of the website or Servers will be uninterrupted or without any kind of error, free from viruses or other similar elements. reserves the right to modify, add, change the content, Products or Services of the website, as well as the terms of use, whenever it deems necessary and without prior notice, by simply announcing them through its website. place.

The names, images, logos and insignia that represent or third parties and their products or services, are the exclusive trademarks of or third parties, protected by the relevant trademark laws. Their appearance on the website should in no way be construed as a transfer or assignment of their license or right of use.

The visit to the website presupposes the unconditional acceptance of the above terms and the use of the Services of presupposes the unconditional acceptance of the Privacy Policy Terms of, as they appear in the corresponding link (Links)

Safe Payment

All payments made using the card are processed through the electronic payment platform of “Alpha e-Commerce” of Alpha Bank and uses TLS 1.2 encryption protocol encryption with 128-bit (Secure Sockets Layer – SSL). Encryption is a way of coding the information until it reaches its recipient, who will be able to decode it using the appropriate key.

Data Security ensures the account holders’ data from being used by unauthorized agents or Robotic Mechanisms. The account is accessed using unique and individual codes that only the holder knows and constitutes the identity of the account. This combination proves to that access to the holder’s account comes exclusively from the account holder.

Access to all remote services is provided by entering the owner’s e-mail and password each time he enters his account information or to make a transaction. Do not disclose the account ID to anyone. If it is believed that your password has been learned you can change it at any time.

Contact for Information

If you have questions or want to suggest something in relation to the Terms of Use of, please click HERE.